Participant Information:
Minor Child(ren) Information:
Name(s) and Age(s):
I,{name}, the undersigned legal guardian of the individuals listed, fully understand and acknowledge that participation in sports or activities including but not limited to aerobic exercise, weightlifting, martial arts classes, private training, caregiver workout classes, birthday parties, group events, and any other activities conducted during operations or within the facilities of FamFitness Bellingham, LLC, and Purefitness Martial Arts, LLC (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Activities”), entails inherent risk of potential injuries. I am fully aware of the dangers and accept any all risks, including but not limited to property loss or damage, minor bodily injury, severe bodily injury, and death. Furthermore, in consideration for permitting the individuals named above, as well as my own participation, I hereby ACCEPT ALL RISKS associated with our participation in these Activities.
In further consideration for participating in the Activities and allowing my child to participate as well, I, on my own behalf and on behalf of my child, as well as our respective heirs, administrators, executors, and successors, hereby COVENANT NOT TO SUE and FOREVER RELEASE FamFitness Bellingham, LLC, and Purefitness Martial Arts, LLC, its officers, directors, employees, or other representatives, whether paid or volunteer, from all liability for any and all damages or injuries suffered by my child or myself while under the instruction, supervision, or control of FamFitness Bellingham, LLC, and PureFitness Martial Arts, LLC.
In consideration of my participation in the Activities and to the fullest extent of permitted by law, I agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless FamFitness Bellingham, LLC, and Purefitness Martial Arts, LLC, its officers, directors, employees, contractors, agents, volunteers, and assigns from and against all claims arising out or resulting from my participation in the Activities.
I also understand and acknowledge that it is my responsibility as a parent or legal guardian to inform my child of the inherent dangers and risks associated with the Activities and I acknowledge that there are inherent risks involved, and my participation and my child's participation remains my sole responsibility.
By accepting this policy, I acknowledge that I have carefully read and fully understand the contents of this Liability Waiver and Release of Claims. I voluntarily agree to its terms, and I intend this document to be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law.
We follow CDC guidelines regarding COVID-19 By entering this facility, you are aware that you agree to fully accept all known and unknown risks, including the potential risk of exposure to any illness, including but not limited to respiratory illnesses such as the coronavirus (COVID-19). Although we regularly sanitize our equipment, you understand that you may be exposed to the coronavirus or its symptoms through no fault of our own. Known coronavirus symptoms include fever, coughing, shortness of breath, pneumonia, kidney failure, and may include other symptoms, stroke or even death (collectively "Symptoms"). You understand and agree that you will hold FamFitness Bellingham, LLC, and Purefitness Martial Arts, LLC, harmless, and you will not hold us liable for any real or perceived Symptoms of COVID-19 or any other disease, illness, or condition, nor for exacerbating any existing symptoms, and you fully agree to accept all risks of entering the facility, using the equipment, working with personal trainers, attending classes, and/or interacting or being exposed to other members.
If you or your child is sick with a fever of 100 degrees or over, green drainage, consistent cough, vomiting, diarrhea, or overall feeling unwell, PLEASE STAY HOME. If you have a confirmed/possible covid exposures, please notify us immediately. SELF SCREEN AT HOME: if a child is dropped off with any cold/flu/covid symptoms they will be promptly isolated and need to be picked up within 15 minutes. Please make sure you continue to self-screen. Continued care is being taken regarding extra cleaning.
Photography and Media ReleaseI grant FamFitness Bellingham, LLC and Purefitness Martial Arts, LLC, permission to use photographs, video recordings, or other media of myself and my minor child(ren) taken during the Activity for promotional or educational purposes without compensation or prior approval.
Acknowledgment and Agreement
I have read this Waiver, fully understand its terms, and voluntarily agree to its provisions. I understand that by signing this document, I am waiving certain legal rights, including the right to sue.If any portion of this Waiver is held to be invalid, the remaining provisions shall continue in full legal force and effect.